The Government of The Bahamas provides free medication to all HIV+ patients who need medication and who access healthcare through the Ministry of Health.
HIV Prevention – PEP and PrEP
Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy
- Helps people living with HIV
- Plays a role in preventing transmission of the virus
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP):
- Involves taking a short course of ARV drugs, usually for a month, after a high-risk exposure
- PEP should be started immediately after possible exposure
contact your health care provider/ hospital emergency room as soon as possible. If you suspect a high-risk exposure to HIV e.g.- Semen leaking out of a condom during intercourse with an HIV-positive partner
- Vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a partner who is either HIV positive or whose status you do not know
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP):
- An HIV prevention tool
- HIV-negative person takes antiretroviral medication to reduce the risk of contracting HIV
- The pill Truvada is currently the available, it is made of two drugs—tenofovir and emtricitabine
- These medications build up in the human body
- They can stop HIV from replicating and establishing an infection
- PrEP approved in 2012 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- It be taken every day, even during periods of minimal or low-risk sexual activity
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends Truvada for those at high risk of HIV, including:
- Those in a relationship with an HIV-positive partner.
- Persons who have unprotected sex with sex workers
- Men who don’t use condoms when having sex with men.
- Persons who have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the past six months and who are not in a mutually monogamous relationship with an HIV-negative partner.
PrEP only works if you take it.
- Rates of side effects while on PrEP are low
- Side effects include: mild symptoms e.g. stomach cramps, headaches and loss of appetite
- Long-term use raises issues of kidney health and bone density
Do I still need to use condoms?
PrEP is supposed to be used along with safer-sex practices, such as condom use and regular HIV testing.
How can I access PrEP?
At over $1,500 a month, PrEP is not cheap. Contact your healthcare provider.
Adapted from www.POZ.COM
For More Information Please Contact:
Your Healthcare Provider or
National HIV/AIDS Centre
Ministry of Health
Royal Victoria Gardens
T: 242-323-5968
Please contact your healthcare provider
National HIV/AIDS Centre
Ministry of Health
Royal Victoria Gardens
T: 242-323-5968